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Wireguard Access Server

·6 mins
For years, I’ve relied on SSH as the gateway into my LAN from the outside world.

Blog with Hugo, Gitlab CD, and Caddy

·11 mins
This post is an overview on how I setup this site (built using Hugo) to be automatically deployed to my Caddy server using Gitlab’s continuous deployment.

Ubuntu 18.04 - Encrypted Disks with USB Boot

·3 mins

I’m setting up a new Ubuntu 18.04 server and wanted the drives to be encrypted. Since the machine is headless in my basement, however, entering a password on boot is annoying.


NGINX Semi-private Site

·2 mins

We used to run a development blog for work. We wanted:

  1. To use NGINX to host this content. It was all static pages.
  2. To limit access to people within our network, or to employees while outside the network (phones, laptops, etc.).
  3. We didn’t want to deal with user accounts, active directory, etc.
  4. We wanted super low friction for users.